Wednesday, December 5, 2007

7 "HEALTHY" Foods You May Think Are Healthy, But Aren't

Some foods, however, have gotten the healthy nod, when they’re actually laden with fat, sugar or both. That's why you should always read the label. To save you some time, here are seven items that you may think are good snacks, but might be better left on the store shelf.

Granola bars got their wholesome, outdoorsy reputation as the mountain climber’s snack of choice. They’re filled with whole oats, nuts, seeds and bits of dried fruit — how could that be a bad thing?

The downside: Many granola bars are dipped in sugary syrups or loaded with chocolate chips, highly processed or artificial ingredients and aren’t much better than high-calorie candy bars. Even the less sugared-up varieties have only a little protein, a smidgen of fiber and a small amount of vitamins and minerals.

If you can’t resist: Make your own trail mix with whole-grain, ready-to-eat cereals, such as shredded wheat, with whole nuts, seeds and chunks of unsweetened, dried fruit. Otherwise, stick to bars with a short ingredient list, essentially whole grains, nuts, seeds and real fruit. Pick ones with 4 or more grams of fiber, less than 150 calories per serving and no more than 6 grams of added sugars.

Tea has been lauded for its antioxidant power. The phytonutrients in tea leaves may not predict your future, but they may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Tea leaves can calm inflammation in the body and may slow the growth of cancer cells.
Tea leaves can help fight cancer and heart disease, but not all tea drinks are the same.
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5 Health Benefits of Vinegar

1. Apply vinegar to jellyfish stings to ease the pain.
2. If a jellyfish doesn't get you at the beach, the sun might.
Vinegar can be applied to a sunburn to ease the effects.
3. Equal parts vinegar and alcohol dropped in the ear canal
can ward off infection for someone with swimmer's ear.
4. A daily drink of one tablespoon of vinegar and one of
honey mixed with water will help to ward off a cold.
5. Vinegar, when swabbed on a cervix will turn cancerous cells
white. I don't know that this will ever come in handy ... but hey,
it's good conversation starter if you find yourself chatting with

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Americans Are Among the Fattest People on Earth

According to recent statistics from national and international health organizations, Americans are among the fattest people on earth. The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that in the United States, obesity has risen at an epidemic rate during the past 20 years. Dr. Jennifer Zebrack, Assistant Professor of Medicine (General Internal Medicine) at the Medical College of Wisconsin, reports that 34% of all Americans are overweight – defined as having a Body Mass Index of 25.0 to 29.9 – and 30.5% are obese, defined as having a Body Mass Index of 30.0 or higher. Dr. Zebrack points out that it’s not just adults who are becoming problematically heavy, but children and adolescents as well; about 13% of children and adolescents in the US are now seriously overweight.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Study Shows Curvy Women Are More Intelligent than Skinny Women

T was already known that men find curvy women more attractive and that they live longer. Now research suggests that women with an hourglass figure are brighter and have cleverer children, too.
The study found that women with large hips and small waists are more intelligent than those with either “apple-shaped” or linear bodies.
The paper, to be published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour this week, suggests that such women give birth to more intelligent children - possibly a result of higher levels of omega3 fatty acids on the hips.
The researchers believe that the results offer a new explanation for why many men find curvy women more alluring. Nigella Lawson, the cookery presenter and Oxford University graduate, has one of Britain’s most famous hourglass figures, while Rachel Weisz, the curvy actress who won an Oscar for her role in The Constant Gardener, completed an English degree at Cambridge University while embarking on the first stages of her acting career. The researchers suggest that the fat around fuller hips and thighs holds higher levels of omega3 fatty acids which are essential for the growth of the brain during pregnancy. Fat around the waist may have higher levels of omega6 fatty acids, which are less suited to brain growth.The research may also explain why children born to teenage mothers do worse in cognitive tests: their mothers may have had insufficient stores of the best fatty acids.
“The cognitive development of their children is reduced, and their own cognitive development is impaired compared with those mothers with a later first birth,” say the researchers.
The study noted, however, that children born to teenage girls with traditional hourglass figures seemed to be protected from this phenomenon and did better in tests.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Prevent Your Allergies Spending $0

Medicines help treat allergy symptoms once they strike, but there are several steps you can take to prevent allergy symptoms altogether. The following recommendations can help you avoid allergy triggers whether you're at home, outdoors, or out on the town.
Allergy-Proof Your At Home

* Keep windows closed and use air conditioning if you're allergic to pollen. Don't use fans since they can stir up dust.
* Filter the air. Cover air conditioning vents with cheesecloth to filter pollen and use high efficiency particulate air filters. Clean air filters frequently and air ducts at least once a year.
* Keep the humidity in your house below 50% to prevent mold growth.
* If you have pets, consider keeping them outside or perhaps ask someone else to take care of them. Animal dander and saliva are common allergens for many people. If you must keep your pets indoors, do not allow them in the bedroom and be sure to bathe them often.
* Avoid areas where molds may collect, including basements, garages, crawl spaces, barns, and compost heaps. Have someone else clean these areas often.
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Monday, November 19, 2007

Lower Calorie Thanksgiving

It's the most gut-busting day of the year, so yeah, you're bound to overdo it -- especially if Aunt Gertrude, you holiday host, favors real butter and cream.
Instead of fighting the desire to eat like your 12-year-old self, stick to this game plan: Skip the ho-hum fillers like nuts and bread and pile up your plate -- only once -- with big but still reasonable portions of this truly delicious stuff.
(5 oz glass), 120 calories
If the family drives you to drink, choose wine. You can go with white or red (only a 3-5 calorie difference per ounce). But note: red wine offers resveratrol, a healthy antioxidant, in higher amounts.
(about 3 oz. or the size of a deck of cards), 107 calories
Go for skinless breast over thigh; dark meat is higher in saturated fat and calories.